
Frequently asked questions.

What is a carbon offset?

There are a number of types of carbon offsets, and this is a common question. Carbon Storage Solutions offers CARB compliant CCO’s. CARB is the California Air Resources Board, and CCO stands for California Carbon Offset. Each offset represents one metric ton (1,000kg or 2,204lbs) of carbon dioxide that our forests have absorbed from the atmosphere. When we sell a CCO to you, we are contractually required to protect and preserve that one ton of carbon for 100 years. We only sell carbon offsets that are already sequestered and verified by third party verifiers. If you purchase an offset, that means the carbon has already been absorbed by a tree in our forests.

I am interested in purchasing your offsets. How can I do that?

If you are interested in a purchase or want more information about our company or services, just fill out the form on the “Contact” page and we would be happy to hear from you, and a member of our team will get in touch.

What if something happens to the forest? A drought, a fire, or diseased trees?

Under California law, we are required to insure our offsets against any loss from fire, disease, drought etc. We are required to contribute 20% of all of our sequestered offsets to a “buffer pool” under the CITTS program. This buffer pool acts as an insurance policy to cover anyone that purchases our offsets. In the thirty four years our forests have been under our management, we have not experienced a single event that would warrant a loss of our offsets.